You’re excited to commit to a more serious exploration of yoga and you’ve signed up for a long term course at your local studio thinking this will be the way to more deeply understand yoga asana. However right away you notice that the experience is not what you signed up for.
The teacher spends over half of each class probing students about their “story” and while you don’t mind personal development, passing off this quasi-psychological experience as a yoga training seems wrong. Then with whatever time you have left, you’re left playing a game of simon says - randomly move your body from pose to pose - which leaves you wondering when you’re ever going to start understanding WHY these movements are beneficial or the logic behind HOW to construct meaningful sequences.
Or how about this…someone with a fancy degree stands in front of the room lecturing students the entire time and 90% of what she says goes way over your head (and most likely the other students' heads too). This all knowing speaker uses a skeleton prop pointing to random bones, without ever linking it at all to WHY you should know these obscure body parts, and HOW it can used to enhance your understanding of yoga.
The reason why you weren't able to meaningfully absorb any information in either of these scenarios is because theory and practice were completely imbalanced. You either were acting with good intention but were supplied no theory to have the experience make concrete sense OR you were taught too much heady information without any practical action to back it up.
To prepare any student for effective learning, theory and practice must go together. Trainers who mindlessly dish out ill-informed physical instructions or too much heady information and expect you to grasp these concepts using rote memorization are irresponsible teachers! EFFECTIVE learning must be grounded in the WHY & HOW more so than in the WHAT you learn.
Feeling frustrated right now and wish you could get a refund from that last bogus course!!??
Have no fear, Yoga Masterminds: Foundations is the opportunity for you to finally LEARN the REQUIRED theory & practice needed to truly understand yoga movement and reach you fullest physical potential.
Let’s get you on track.
10 anatomy focused, beginner friendly videos with a specific focus on each of the main movement families:
Hip flexor release and foot foundations for neutral hip standing poses and deep forward folds
Shoulder girdle stability shoulder blade mobility for inversions and backbends
Spinal analysis for deep twisting and gluteus medius activation for external hip rotation
Weekly group zoom calls with Andrew to make sure you are progressing correctly on your asana journey
20 hours of Yoga Masterminds training certification …and much more!
Regular Price:
$200 non-refundable deposit required
1 synchronous hour + 1 asynchronous hour each week
The Yoga Masterminds 20-hour Foundations course includes 10 Monday night online meetings. Feel free to finish all 10 Mondays in a row or spread out your course work throughout the 2024 calendar year.
“Joining Yoga Masterminds was a tremendous gift I offered myself. I entered craving clarity in my teaching and confidence in who I am and what I bring to my students. I got that and more. I left with a clear understanding of artful sequencing, key anatomical concepts to help facilitate asana, and a community of new friends! Andrew is tremendously gifted at facilitating this work, and I was lucky to be a part of it.”