
YOGA MASTERMINDS: Advanced Assisting

Have you ever attended an anatomy course where someone with a fancy degree stands in front of you and 90% of the things she says goes way over your head?  This all knowing lecturer uses a skeleton prop pointing to random bones, without ever linking it at all to WHY you should know these obscure body parts, and HOW it can used to enhance your toga teaching?

Or what about this...you attended an adjusting workshop, where the teacher spent half the time exploring “your story” and then called out random adjustments for you to do…and you found yourself spending the afternoon touching bodies, when you literally no idea WHY you were putting your hands where you were instructed?

The reason why you weren't able to meaningfully absorb any information (and probably found difficulty in re-explaining these concepts to others) is because theory and practice were completely imbalanced.  You either were taught too much heady information without any practical action to back it up, or you acted with good intention but were supplied no theory to have the experience make concrete sense.

If you've read this far, my guess is that you know that I believe this wholeheartedly:  A yoga teacher training should prepare students to be good at TEACHING.  (BTW...Is there something I'm missing, because SO many programs out there seem to execute this terribly!)

To prepare any student for effective learning,  Theory and Practice must go together (and this becomes uber-important when you are touching people’s bodies!). Trainers who mindlessly dish out information or physical instructions and expect you to grasp these concepts using rote memorization are irresponsible teachers!  EFFECTIVE learning must be grounded in HOW you learn more so than WHAT you learn.

Feeling frustrated right now and wish you could get a refund from that last bogus training!!?? 

Have no fear, Yoga Masterminds: Advanced Assisting is the opportunity for you to finally LEARN the REQUIRED theory and experience pedagogically-sound practice you need to execute meaningful and articulate adjustments and to help your students reach their fullest potential.

Let’s do this.


14 anatomy and adjusting clinics, with a specific focus on:

  • Hip flexor/psoas release and foot foundations for neutral hip rotation standing poses

  • Shoulder girdle stability for inversions and shoulder blade mobility for backbends

  • Spinal analysis for deep twisting and forward folds

  • Gluteus medius activation for external hip rotation
    standing poses and hamstring awakening for
    deep hip openers

  • 1 Hot Seat session to get personal, direct feedback on
    your teaching progress and skills

  • 40 hours of Yoga Masterminds training certification
    (Yoga Alliance certified - PENDING)

  • …and much more!


$595 (early bird pricing)
$300 non-refundable deposit required

$795 (regular pricing)





Joining Yoga Masterminds was a tremendous gift I offered myself. I entered craving clarity in my teaching and confidence in who I am and what I bring to my students. I got that and more. I left with a clear understanding of artful sequencing, key anatomical concepts to help facilitate asana, and a community of new friends! Andrew is tremendously gifted at facilitating this work, and I was lucky to be a part of it.
— Leah Fox, yoga teacher